DD40BSR1B - Peak Pro Dominator

  • Images of DD40BSR1B - Peak Pro Dominator
  • Images of DD40BSR1B - Peak Pro Dominator
  • Images of DD40BSR1B - Peak Pro Dominator
  • Images of DD40BSR1B - Peak Pro Dominator
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1 Revision

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Available for:
  • Logo: Autodesk Revit

Features & Benefits:

  • Compact design, with flow and return legs at equal lengths, for simple direct mounting onto terminal unit
  • Fitted with Peak Pro with a wide range of settable flows to suit all applications
  • Includes Venturi metering station for improved accuracy and pressure drop recovery
  • All valves are subject to both a pressure test, in accordance with BS EN 12266-1, as well as a flow limitation test, in accordance to BSRIA BTS1. This provides reassurance of performance and accuracy within each valve
  • Bypass unit with integrated 3-way isolation valves
  • Integrated dial allowing for calibrated setting of the PICV with integrated test points allowing for ΔP verification
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