bimstore API launched!

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Big news from the bimstore team!

We are very excited to announce the launch of the public API for

bimstore has the UKs best collection of high-quality manufacturer objects and users. Over the years, we have also created some unique technologies for creating, managing and distributing content and it's data. Our new public API allows access to bimstore’s huge library of content, its users and stats as well as accessing various features such as search, BIMbox and Frog all via web services (JSON/restful).

We believe that our manufacturers content should be accessible from as many places as possible and because of this we have decided to make the API's 100% free and open to all.

There are currently the versions of the API available:

Public API - This API has endpoints that allow access to bimstore objects and their data. It also allows access to features such as BIMbox and search. If you have a website, software or platform which you would like to build in access to the UKs' largest collection of BIM content then this API will suffice.

Manufacturer API - This API is designed for our manufacturers and expands upon the public API and also includes endpoints for stats and users. It allows manufacturers to access stats on their own content. The API allows manufacturers to do anything from integrating content into their own website and track downloads to complex CRM integrations into platforms such as salesforce. This API is only available to bimstore manufacturers currently.

Partner API - This API includes all the endpoints of both the Public API and manufacturer API but without sandboxing to a single manufacturer. It also includes additional endpoints for categories, manufacturers, search and user creation, login and management. With this API functionality, it is possible to build a full bimstore clone and it is perfect for 3rd party content libraries (or software providers) who want to deeply integrate bimstore content into their own platform, application or website. This API is free and available to anyone however because of the sensitive data it can expose you will be required to fill in an API key request form and NDA agreements to access this API.

All three of the APIs use JSON and have been designed to be simple but also very powerful. In fact, the API is so powerful that we are using it ourselves in 2017 to build the next generation on bimstore products such as Athenaeum and Insights.

We are excited to be opening up the bimstore platform to third party developers and can't wait to see what you make! To get your free API key and get started, visit

In the meantime, if you have any questions or feedback on the use of this API then please drop us a line. Alternitevly if you are eager to get started, you can request your API key here.

About bimstore: bimstore is the UK’s original BIM object library. Developed by specifiers for specifiers, we create and host high-quality manufacturer specific BIM content, making it easy to browse and download the world’s best collection of BIM components. If you need any help with BIM content creation then get in touch with the bimstore team today.

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