WDW Wall Panel

  • product: WDW Wall Panel
  • product: WDW Wall Panel
  • product: WDW Wall Panel
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1 Revision

Last Updated


Available for:
  • Logo: Autodesk Revit

It is suitable for use on aesthetic facades with its system that hides the fastener. It can be applied both horizontally and vertically. In this way, it offers alternative solutions to designers with the assembly flexibility it provides. It has high strength with its deep micro indented form. It allows to pass wide openings on the facades.

Product Application
• Industrial Buildings
• Military Buildings
• Public Buildings
• Agricultural Buildings
• Sports Facilities
• Construction Site Buildings
• Silos
• Hypermarkets
• Shopping Centers
• Storehouse Halls
• Administrative Buildings and all other concrete structures with steel or prefabricated load bearing systems.

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