SelfCookingCenter® 101

  • Product: Self Cooking Center® 101
  • Product: Self Cooking Center® 101
  • Product: Self Cooking Center® 101
  • Product: Self Cooking Center® 101
  • Product: Self Cooking Center® 101
  • Product: Self Cooking Center® 101
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  • Logo: Autodesk Revit

Cooking appliance for automatically cooking (Automatic mode) meat, poultry, fish, side dishes/vegetables, egg dishes/desserts, bakery products and for automatic finishing®. With an intelligent system for optimising
mixed loads in production and in à la carte service as well as a fully automatic cleaning and care system.  Hot-air steamer (combi-steamer mode) conforming to DIN 18866 for most of the cooking methods used in
commercial kitchens for the optional use of steam and hot-air, individually, in succession or in combination.

iCookingControl with the 7 applications for meat, poultry, fish, side dishes, egg dishes & baked goods. Finishing, to easily enter the desired result with automatic adjustment of the ideal cooking path.

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