The S Series is designed for larger spaces such as school halls, theatres or rooms with high occupancy. Ventilation is provided through a split shaft giving access to the roof
The split shaft provides inflow and outflow in winter and can combine with opening windows or dampers in the summer to create a stack effect. Integrated fans mitigate cold draughts in a low energy way delivering appropriate ventilation and superb thermal comfort as well as providing fan boost and night cool functionality.
This download includes components for the Breathing Buildings S-Series Stack Based Ventilation System, and offers a range of sizes and types to match your project application, these include;
- S1200 (Penthouse Louvre Terminal)
- S1200L (Mushroom Terminal)
- S1500 (Penthouse Louvre Terminal)
- S1500L (Mushroom Terminal)
Please reference the user guide include in the download as how to use S-Series Ventilation System components
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Bimstore on 19 February 2025
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