Blauair RH LH - Horizontal Heat Recovery Unit

  • Product: Blauair RH LH
  • Product: Blauair RH LH
  • Product: Blauair RH LH
  • Product: Blauair RH LH
  • Product: Blauair RH LH
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1 Revision

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Available for:
  • Logo: Autodesk Revit

High-efficient EC fans, backward-curved, external rotor. Integrated plug-and-play controls.

Rotary Wheel Heat Recovery with automatic bypass, Left Handed.

Horizontally mounting supply & extract heat recovery unit.

Airflow rates from 1500 to 6000 m3/hour (416 to 1666 l/s).

Electric & water heater options with plug & Play controls built-in.

Fitted with German Blauberg low energy EC motors.

ERP 2018 compliant and A+ energy rated.

Highly efficient thermal wheel for maximum heat recovery.

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