Axis-F - Short Case Axial Fan

  • Product: Axis-F
  • Product: Axis-F
  • Product: Axis-F
  • Product: Axis-F
  • Product: Axis-F
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Object Data

1 Revision

Last Updated


Available for:
  • Logo: Autodesk Revit

Supply and extract ventilation systems installed in general commercial and industrial premises.

Powerful range of short cased axial flow industrial fans

All sizes of Axis F are available with single or three phase motors and are fully speed controllable

Object Variants Available:

  • 8D 800 (50Hz), 6D 710 (50Hz), 4D 630 (50Hz), 4D 550 (50Hz), 4D 500 (50Hz), 4D 450 (50Hz), 4D 400 (50Hz), 4D 350 (50Hz), 4D 300 (50Hz), 2D 300 (50Hz), 4D 250 (50Hz), 2D 250 (50Hz), 4E 630 (50Hz), 4E 550 (50Hz), 4E 500 (50Hz), 4E 450 (50Hz), 4E 400 (50Hz), 4E 350 (50Hz), 4E 300 (50Hz), 2E 300 (50Hz), 4E 250 (50Hz), 2E 250 (50Hz), 2E 200 (50Hz)
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